LINC’s new Missional and Pastoral School of Theology (MPS) was launched in the fall of 2021. The Institute (MPS) is designed to help equip participants with the necessary skills to pursue their callings more effectively as missionaries, pastors and in a wide field of Christian services. Two cohorts of students participated in the courses in their first year (2021-2022). Subjects included Systematic Theology, Hermeneutics, Bible Content and a variety of other pertinent courses and electives. The courses were presented entirely online – through zoom and Google Classroom. Students participated in weekly lectures, readings, assignments, and group discussions. We have six teachers who are experts in various areas of ministry. They are mentors who led and encouraged the students as they participated in the classes and completed their tasks. Prior to completion of the program, students are assigned to participate in and submit a final thesis which focuses on their chosen field of ministry. Read more…


How Can You Help?

  • Pray

For current students that the lord gives them “the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him… having the eyes of [their] hearts opened, that [they] know what the hope to which [they] are called is. Ephesians 1:17-18.

  • Donate

We encourage you to make a financial gift to LINC ministries to support the MPS program. Your generous gift will help LINC ministries offset the costs of offering this crucial program. Your special gift will help to keep the program tuition free.

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If you know of a potential student who would benefit from participating in the MPS program, encourage them to apply for the program. Perhaps, you are interested in applying yourself? The program is open to ministry students of all ages. The deadline for application to the Fall 2022 term is September 7, 2022.

Here is the link for more information about the MPS program and instructions on how to apply for the program:


Check out this video where students describe their experience at MPS: