Featured Events
Church Planting Activities

Join our Arabic Church location in Scarborough every Sunday at 1:00 pm at 447 Port Union Rd, M1C 2L6.

Join our Arabic Church location at our Cambridge location every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. at 361 King St. E, N3H 3M7.
Next Generation for Christ Vision Day
We are thrilled to see the Holy Spirit working in the lives of the youth and young adults in Scarborough & Cambridge, Ontario! We invite you to be a part of our mission through your prayers and financial support! Read more here!
Read Our Latest Missionary Journal
Meet the Founder and Leader
Reverend Ibrahim Wahby is a preacher and teacher of the Word of God with a calling to lead people to Christ. He is passionate about planting churches, reaching the lost and making disciples of all nations! He is proudly a third-generation pastor in his family, accepted Jesus as his saviour at the tender age of 11, and was further convicted to follow the call of God in his first year studying medicine.